Source code of support available at GitHub
I a previous post we saw how to: “Create NuGet packages” but the deployment step was still a manual process. Let’s try to automatize this. Figure 1 shows how to generate NuGet package for a .NET Core project (similar to the approach previously shown) using the project’s properties.
Figure 1: “Creating NuGet package”.
This adds a couple of lines into the project file (.
Creating NuGet packages
Lately I have been involved in the creation of several NuGet packages useful for some portals being developed. I want to share my knowledge in this topic.
If we were developing libraries for .NET Core or .NET Standard life would be easy as figure 1 to figure 8 shows.
Figure 1: “Creating a new .NET Core library”.
Figure 2: “Default code”.
Figure 3: “First build results”.
Figure 4: “Project properties”.
Creating and deploying releases using Octopus
Source code of support available at GitHub
Since while ago I wanted to share my experiences automatizing the product releases with Octopus from Visual Studio. Again, let’s do it through an example.
As it could not be otherwise, figure 1 shows the first package you should add to your project in order to create Octopus packages ready to be deployed: “OctoPack”. The latest package version available at the time of this tutorial was the “3.
Coding style using StyleCop
A colleague ask me to share my experience coding with ReSharper and once he heard that I’m not use ReSharper he was even more curious about how I write source codes. Who knows me knows I love NuGet packages and be updated constantly, that’s why I found a very useful package that I install in all my projects as soon I start it.
StyleCop used to be a standalone application with integration with Visual Studio but that changed a while ago.
I officially welcome you to my professional blog, I will try to write frequently about development technologies, programming languages, data structures, algorithms, among other topics related to this incredible technological world, always expressing my personal opinions.
I decided to start thanks to the fact that I felt the urgent need to write after accumulating experience developing software and constantly explaining over and over again the concepts, approaches, and solutions applied; together with Scott Hanselman’s recommendation to write an article about everything that cannot be explained in six sentences.